Equipo Madrid Cubriendo España, Miami y los países nórdicos Daniel RubioFundador & CEOEspañaView full bioJavier RubioPartnerEspaña & Zurich (Suiza)View full bioIgnacio Pérez-PeñasPartner & COOEspañaView full bioCristina RubioPartnerEspaña & Ginebra (Suiza)View full bioBorja López-MancisidorPartnerEspañaView full bioJorge BenguríaPartnerUS Offshore y LatinoaméricaView full bioRoger GarridoOperacionesEspañaView full bioAntonio NogalSubdirector de OperacionesEspañaView full bioAna de MiguelOperaciones & FacturaciónEspañaView full bioMarta del PalacioCICO, Office ManagerEspañaView full bioPaloma VegaRelationship ManagerEspañaView full bioÁngela MingoRelationship ManagerEspañaView full bioIsabel CampilloRelationship ManagerEspañaView full bioCarmen GarcíaRelationship ManagerEspañaView full bioJavier CavestanyRelationship ManagerEspañaView full bioCarmen Díez DevesaOperacionesEspañaView full bioSergio LeónMiddle OfficeEspañaView full bio Lugano Cubriendo Italia, Ticino, Monaco y Europa Oriental Riccardo MilanBusiness PartnerItalia y Ticino (Suiza)View full bioLuisa GresselinHead of Institutional BusinessItalia y Ticino (Suiza)View full bioGiulia MazzocchiRelationship ManagerItaliaView full bioGiovanni NogaraRelationship ManagerItaliaView full bioValerio AmbrosettiRelationship ManagerItaliaView full bio Lisboa Cubriendo Portugal, Brasil e Israel Pedro CostaBusiness PartnerLisboa (Portugal) e IsraelView full bioLeonardo LombardiRelationship ManagerBrasilView full bioTatiana MonteiroRelationship ManagerLisboa (Portugal) e IsraelView full bio París Cubriendo Francia, Bélgica, Luxemburgo y Mónaco Olivier GuichardBusiness PartnerFranciaView full bio Londres Cubriendo Reino Unido e Irlanda Stephen SullivanBusiness PartnerReino Unido e IrlandaView full bio Dubái Cubriendo la región MENA Paolo SvetlichHead of SalesDubaiView full bio Lima Cubriendo LATAM Jorge VelardeBusiness PartnerLimaView full bioAlfredo ParodiBusiness PartnerLATAMView full bio