Pricing Plans
Our plans are simple, straightforward and designed to scale as the needs of your
business change over time.
Our plans are simple, straightforward and designed to scale as the needs of your
business change over time.
The regular license allows you to customize, store and even host your website using your platform
The regular license allows you to customize, store and even host your website using your platform
Value Purchase Now
The regular license allows you to customize, store and even host your website using your platform
God I love Variant! Im pretty particular about aesthetics and usually need to focus at the desk to get everything how I want, now it’s just effortless. Can’t imagine using anything else other than Variant from now on.
Stack is beautiful and the Variant builder is amazing. Stack sets a new standard of quality everyone should strive to achieve. I have bought a few themes from tommusrhodus and medium_rare but Stack is my favorite by far.
This is insane! The Variant Page Builder with the 270 pre-made interface blocks are making building a nice website a breeze.
Communication, design and responsiveness mean this developer is a top pick for my sites!
Open a refund request with us and we can work with you to resolve it ASAP.
Yes, we accept all major credit cards, including AMEX, so rack up those points!
We have corporate and enterprise arrangements that our pricing team can assist with on a case-by-case basis. Contact Us for info.
No! The beauty of our service is that you can cancel anytime you need to — no questions asked.
This depends on whether your plan to process the payment on your site or not. We recommend using a third-party provider to unburden yourself.
Each purchase of Stack comes with six months free support — and a lifetime of free content and bug-fix updates.
Frente a estas acciones fraudulentas, CSP ha puesto en marcha una serie de actuaciones:
Si usted recibe un correo electrónico o es destinatario de otro tipo de comunicación en la que se le proponga inversiones en instrumentos financieros, se solicite información confidencial, económica o personal, números de cuenta o se le inste a suscribir contratos o facilitar cualquier otro tipo de datos, rogamos que, por favor, lo pongan en nuestro conocimiento o directamente se ponga en contacto con la CNMV o, en su caso, con el organismo supervisor local si las acciones no se produjesen en España, para así tener la seguridad de que el remitente se trata de una persona autorizada, registrada y supervisada. Podría tratarse de un intento de fraude suplantando la imagen de Capital Strategies Partners A.V., S.A.
In response to these fraudulent actions, CSP has taken a number of steps:
If you receive an e-mail or are the recipient of any other type of communication proposing investments in financial instruments, requesting confidential, financial or personal information, account numbers or urging you to sign contracts or provide any other type of data, please bring it to our attention or contact the CNMV or, where applicable, the local supervisory body if the actions do not take place in Spain, in order to ensure that the sender is an authorised, registered and supervised person. This could be an attempt to defraud by impersonating Capital Strategies Partners A.V., S.A.